Introduction The Canadian Dollar (CAD), affectionately known as the "Loonie" due to the image of a common loon on the one-dollar coin, holds a unique and significant position in the global foreign exchange market. As one of the major reserve currencies, Loonie's journey in the international financial arena is marked by resilience and influence. In this blog, we will explore the role of the Canadian Dollar in the foreign exchange market and its impact on global trade and investment. The Canadian Dollar on the World Stage 1. Reserve Currency Status The Canadian Dollar is recognized as one of the world's major reserve currencies, held by central banks and financial institutions as part of their foreign exchange reserves. Its status reflects Canada's economic stability and global confidence in the country's financial system. 2. Commodity Currency Canada's abundant natural resources, including oil, minerals, and forestry products, contribute to the Loonie's...
An economist, Forex trader and Forex writer, I have a keen eye for spotting international trading trends.